Practicing Self-care During Lockdown - Give Me Cosmetics

Practicing Self-care During Lockdown

In the crazy world we are currently living in, it can be so easy to get consumed with worry and stress from continuous News bulletins and ever - rising Coronavirus cases.

And with the country in yet another lockdown, you are probably beginning to feel like you’re living a never ending nightmare!

Staying level-headed during the pandemic is the only way to get through this difficult time, as our government has stated numerous times, ‘This is a marathon, not a race’. But thankfully, with an imminent vaccine making its way to us, we just need to sit tight and take care of ourselves for the next few months, an ending to the nightmare is on the horizon!


We may all be confined to our homes and restricted outside activities, but if you take a positive perspective that this is an opportunity for you to sit back, wind down and self-care. Taking time to self-care is the best way to utilise your time at home and can make the whole situation a little more durable.

We are here to help you with our Stay Home Hamper. Nine pampering products, specially selected to help switch off, rejuvenate and relieve stress from your complexion. 


Each Stay Home Hamper Contains:

  • 2 x Coconut & Argan Oil Hair Mask 
  • 1 Pack Of Pink Gel Eye Patches
  • 1 Chill Out Mask *or* Hyaluronic Acid Sheet Mask 
  • 1 Ultimate Face Fix Sheet Mask 
  • 1 Bubble Mask 
  • 1 Chocolate Mint Lip Scrub
  • 1 Mojito Lip Scrub *or* Mango Lip Scrub 

Whether you are self-isolating alone, in a bubble or in a full household, it is so vital to take time away for yourself to self-care and look after yourself.

No matter gender, age, religion, race – We all need to allocate space for Self-care to keep a healthy mind during these troubling affairs.


If you are unsure what the benefits are to self care, keep reading:

The Importance of Self-Care:



  • It gives a break from stress - If you have a stressful job and perhaps now you have to work from home, or even you work in the public sector and cannot work during this time. Take this as an opportunity to unwind from day to day stress.

  • It can give you much time needed alone - If you are living in a full household, maybe you have a large family, it can be very trying in lockdown with squabbling siblings and flustered parents. Taking yourself away to self-care can help you take each step as it comes.

  • It can release soothing feelings - Struggling with stress with no end can become suffocating. Using this situation as a break from your stressful routine and practicing strategies that help to release tension can help to relieve anxiety and stress.
  • It can repair the body - Perhaps you suffer with persistent aches and pains from the strain of your job. This can be a nice interval for the body and let it naturally repair itself.

  • It’s essential to self-reflect - In the scary world we live in, it can make you realise how grateful you are for the support network we are surrounded by. From family and friends to the NHS and Key workers. Take a moment each day and be grateful for one thing of the day. It can help to build a positive outlook.


Another way to self-care is to look after your physical appearance.

Use this time away from the public eye to take care of your skin and hair.


  • Take a bath soothe aches and release any inner tension of the mind and skin with a hot soak.

  • Deep condition your hair - Set yourself the challenge of no hot styling tools on your hair and no hair dye. Let your hair rejuvenate and grow healthy. In addition, you can add a deep conditioning hair mask on a weekly basis to help you repair any damage to your hair for a healthy growing process.

  • Deep clean your pores and skin Along with the hair challenge why not set another challenge of no makeup during lockdown (Nobody is going to be seeing you for a while so it’s the perfect time to do it!). This will help your pores breathe and heal. For the best way to cleanse and detox skin, use a face mask and pore strips on a regular basis to pull any embedded dirt out from the pores.

  • Care for your aches If a simple bath does not suffice try purchasing equipment that will tend to your need. If you endure a job that involves a lot of time on your feet frequently or pressure on your back (Especially the NHS & key workers). Look into foot/ back massagers, Hot water bottles that will help kneed the niggles that have been troubling you (Without anybody needing to touch you!). Online retailers are still delivering as normal so take advantage of the offers available.


Our Stay Home Hamper is the ideal money-saving package that includes all the necessities for getting you through Lockdown 3.0.

Ways of Looking after Your Physical Health During Lockdown

  • Take a daily walkThe Government has allowed us all to go out once a day for exercise. Take advantage of it! Fresh air is so good for the soul and will help clear your head. Along as you keep your distance from other people you can go for a walk, run, cycle, walk the dog. (Staying cooped up will reduce your energy levels and also your mental health)

  • Try building a Home GymAgain the internet is at your disposal and there are so many offers and discounts on at the moment, get yourself an exercise bike, maybe a yoga mat or some little dumbbells and allocate an hour a day to working out. No matter how extensive the workout, increasing your heartbeat will release endorphins that make you feel mentally/ physically energised.

  • Work out for freeIf you don’t want to spend money on gym equipment, there are plenty of workouts available on YouTube for you and the whole family to get involved in. From Joe Wicks to aerobic classes and Zumba, have a laugh with the family or by yourself and keep yourself moving.

  • Eat healthyIt’s easier said than done with the limited supplies at the supermarket but making sure you have plenty of fruit, veg and vitamins will help you stay focused and full of energy. (People may not be seeing your beach bod this year but if you heavily indulge in rubbish food & alcohol, your mood will drop and so will your energy levels.


Top mental health tip during self-isolation – Never feel alone. Even if you are alone in your household, don’t go off the radar. Stay socially active daily with phone, Skype , ZOOM and WhatsApp calls to friends and family (The return of virtual pub quiz is always lots of fun for everyone!). Remember we are all in this together!

Panicking and getting wound up at this point will not only take a toll on your physical & mental health but sadly it will only prolong the anxiety of the process we are in. In contrast, being complacent can also cause mental health strains with yourself and others around you.  So right now, the best thing is to keep yourself and your family safe and only control what can be controlled, which includes your mental and physical well being.


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